Hack The Box meetup

Getting started with pentesting.


I started with Hack The Box around the same time as I started with CTF's. I found it hard to get started with the machines, but when I did, I found out how addicting they are. I've managed to reach Hacker rank and I've learnt a lot from it already. I noticed that other students were interested in it as well, but had a harder time figuring out how to approach things. That's why I contacted Hack The Box and set up a collaboration.

To give the students of my school more experience, I hosted the first ever Belgian Hack The Box meetup. This meetup was focused on the essential skills and methodology of pentesting. I hope I'll be able to continue hosting these meetups, so I can advance in this field together with the participants.

Meetup №1

The meetup was an amazing experience and I was really proud to host it. I gave the participants a quick tutorial on how Hack The Box works and I also gave them the mindset needed to start with hacking on the platform. After that we hacked six different boxes together:

  • Lame
  • Bashed
  • Mirai
  • Legacy
  • Blue
  • NetMon

I've gotten great feedback and everybody was really positive about it. The participants were really happy with the experience and one of them hacked his first active box the next day. I was honoured to be responsible for this event and it turned out great. I hope I can continue doing this.

25 April, 2020

Meetup №2

The second meeting was really fun again. This time I had even more people and not only students. I had people that were already in InfoSec that came to see what it was about. And even Security Engineers from a big four company told me they still learned a thing or two from my meetups. Machines used in the meetup:

  • Lame
  • Bashed
  • Mirai
  • Legacy
  • Blue
  • NetMon

26 July, 2020

Meetup №3

Since the two previous meetups were really successful, I wanted the third one to be a bit more special. I decided to create it in the theme of the C2 framework Empire. This time I had a lot of students that were new in hacking and they told me they learned a lot. The machines we used for the third meetup:

  • Traceback
  • Blue
  • Devel
  • Magic

28 November, 2020